Dental Services for Kids
Space Maintainers for Missing or Extracted Tooth
Children’s dental health is so important especially as teeth develop over time. As a matter of fact, one of the most important decisions parents can make is choosing the right dental care provider for their children’s well being.
Dental space maintainers are a unique aspect of dental care for children that should be fully understood when it comes to their benefits and advantages. In essence, dental space maintainers for kids are intended to hold space between permanent teeth. This type of dental appliance is particularly useful if a child loses a baby tooth prematurely.
For example, prior to permanent teeth erupting, the loss of a baby tooth can cause issues with regard to the proper spacing of teeth. The main concern is that if a primary tooth is lost at an early age, adult teeth have the potential to erupt into an existing empty space as opposed to where they should normally erupt. This is especially of concern because of the fact that when additional adult teeth begin to emerge there simply may not be adequate room for them as a result of lost space.